#1: Welcome to Dregs of wisdom

Explore the intriguing journey of being a seeker in life, whether in pursuit of better health, relationships, or spiritual enlightenment. Take a self-test to uncover if you're afflicted with the "seeking disease" through a fascination with self-help, gurus, and spiritual methods. Delve into the paradox of seeking and enlightenment, as described by Lao Tzu, and the author's personal musings on topics like spiritual development, yoga, and the meaning of life. A Taoist tale about a wheelwright challenging a self-important Duke adds depth to the narrative, highlighting the ineffable nature of wisdom. Discover the blog's aim to inspire simplicity, embrace the present, and encourage practices like yoga and meditation. Walk the path of Tao with insights on letting go of the past and relinquishing control over the future. Join this journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.


The Politics of Drugs


Welcome to dregs of wisdom.