Episode #10: Taz Rashid -Awakening Humanity with Music

DJ Taz Rashid, a yoga DJ and music producer, discusses his creative process and the impact of music on spirituality and personal transformation. He shares how he started releasing music consistently during the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of staying in the flow of creativity. Taz also talks about the role of music in the wellness world, including creating playlists for yoga classes and guided meditations. He emphasizes the power of binaural beats and hypnotherapy in reprogramming the subconscious mind and transforming lives. Taz's mission is to awaken humanity with music. In this conversation, Taz and Andrew discuss the importance of daily practices like meditation and breathwork to find peace and happiness. He also explores the concept of God and the different ways people perceive and worship God. Taz shares his belief in a loving God and the power of practicing kindness and non-judgment. The conversation then shifts to the topic of technology and its potential impact on children, with Andrew expressing concerns about social media and the need for balance. They also discuss the benefits of yoga festivals for children and the importance of asking the right questions and surrounding oneself with positive influences.


Episode #11: nikki myers - Wholeness Embraced: Yoga, Recovery, and the Journey to Self-Integration